Shab E Batat is a night in the month of Shabab, which many people have respected as a night of forgiveness, pray to Allaah all night to give their blessings. The mirror is celebrated between the 14th and 15th nights in the middle of Barat Shabab.

People will stay in the night and offer volunteer prayers and serve; In the past, ask God (SWT) to forgive any sins.

There are different ways to celebrate that day in different countries; each has a different name for it. For example, in South Asia, it is known as Shabir Barat. In Iran, it is called nime shaban. It is said to be inferior in the native countries of the country where it is known as Kendall in Turkey.

Most people share sweets each other in the night. Some people are also celebrated with a fireworks, although it is the result of the influence of local traditions and there is no religious significance. People in Iraq often distribute sweets to children. In South Asia countries, usually generally distributing local sweets which are unwanted with the Holocaust or Neighborhood, the families, the friends, the poor and the poor. Middle East countries do not celebrate at night.

Sunni Muslims believe it is night when Allah (SAW) saved Noah and his ark from the flood. On the other hand, Shia Muslims believe that 12 days Shi'a Imam Mohammad Mohammad Mahdi was born.

There are no Hadiths or verses which are clearly mentioned in the Quran or talk about the importance of the night. However, in South Asia, many people are celebrated at night, spend time (SWT) in God's worship.

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